Numbers is always related to mentalism and one trick below describe about some number that created by your spectator, as you will go to predict the total result of their sum later.
How to:
1. Invite 3 spectators to write 3-digit number randomly on a whiteboard below each other, we suppose:
Spectator #1 write: 756 ====> 1st line
Spectator #2 write: 894 ====> 2nd line
Spectator #3 write: 157 ====> 3rd line
2. Tell to your spectator about how you can easily know the total from their written number all by adding it up while they write their number each on a whiteboard. So, to make it more complicated, you’ll write down your prediction that your spectator’s total number is same with yours.
Here is the method how to write your prediction:
(a) We’ve to add each digit number on each line to be double-digit number only.
1st line = 756 ===> 7 + 5 + 6 = 18
2nd line = 894 ===> 8 + 9 + 4 = 21
3rd line = 157 ===> 1 + 5 + 7 = 13
(b) Then, you should change its pattern as follow:
-Double digit number on the 1st line + 00 ==> 18 + 00 to be 1800
-Double digit number on the 2nd line + 0 ==> 21 + 0 to be 210
-Double digit number on the 3rd line is keep remain ==> 13
(c) Add each number on step (b):
Now, 2023 will be your prediction, you write it down on a sheet of paper.
3. Ask spectator #1 to choose 3 numbers randomly from 3 lines each where the chosen number is then crossed out. We suppose he will choose on:
-1st line = 5
-2nd line = 8
-3rd line = 7
The spectator #1 chosen number is 587 and the view on the whiteboard:
4. Ask spectator #2 to choose 3 numbers randomly from the remains numbers in 3 lines each where the chosen number is then crossed out. We suppose he will choose on:
-1st line = 6
-2nd line = 4
-3rd line = 1
The spectator #2 chosen number is 641 and the view on the whiteboard:
5. Then spectator #3 will write the remained number: 795
6. Invite spectator #4 and ask him to add up all numbers from 3 spectators chosen numbers
BalasHapusi will try it...THX of all !
BalasHapuslug angkanya 101,100,500 gmana ??
BalasHapusbego lu prediksi luw g bner,yg di ambil 0 nya dluan!!
@atas klo 101, 100, 500 hasil prediksinya 215, bukan dia ato saya yg bego, kunjungi post aslinya di, atau di
BalasHapusbuat yg ngepost, terimakasih